f(x)=(-3x^3-x^2-9x-8)/(6x^2+4x+3. Find the equation of the non-vertical asymptote. y=

Does f(x) intersect its non-vertical asymptote ?
What is the smallest value of x at which f(c) intersects its non-vertical asymptote ?

please show all the work. I did this and got the wrong answer. I want to know where I made a mistake. Thank you

By long division I got

(-3x^3-x^2-9x-8)/(6x^2+4x+3) = (-1/2)x+1/6 + ( (-49/6)x - 17/2 )/(6x^2 + 4x + 3

As x becomes ± large, the last term ----> 0

and the asymptote is
y = (-1/2)x + 1/6

The denominator can never be zero, solving 6x^2 + 4x + 3 = 0 produces complex roots.
Thus the function is continuous, and can never cross its asymptote.

The value of c we find solving the equation


To find the equation of the non-vertical asymptote of f(x), we need to determine the limit of f(x) as x approaches positive or negative infinity.

1. Limit as x approaches infinity (x → ∞):
We divide the highest degree terms in the numerator and denominator by x^2:
f(x) = (-3x^3 - x^2 - 9x - 8) / (6x^2 + 4x + 3) ≈ (-3x^3 / x^2) / (6x^2 / x^2)
= -3x / 6 ≈ -x/2 as x → ∞

Therefore, as x approaches positive infinity, the function approaches the line y = -x/2. This is the equation of the non-vertical asymptote.

2. Limit as x approaches negative infinity (x → -∞):
Similar to the previous case, we divide the highest degree terms:
f(x) = (-3x^3 - x^2 - 9x - 8) / (6x^2 + 4x + 3) ≈ (-3x^3 / x^2) / (6x^2 / x^2)
= -3x / 6 ≈ -x/2 as x → -∞

Therefore, as x approaches negative infinity, the function also approaches the line y = -x/2.

The equation of the non-vertical asymptote is y = -x/2.

Now, let's check if the function f(x) intersects its non-vertical asymptote.

3. Intersection of f(x) and the non-vertical asymptote:
To determine if f(x) intersects its non-vertical asymptote, we need to find the solution(s) to the equation f(x) = -x/2.

Original equation: f(x) = (-3x^3 - x^2 - 9x - 8) / (6x^2 + 4x + 3)
Non-vertical asymptote equation: y = -x/2

Setting them equal: (-3x^3 - x^2 - 9x - 8) / (6x^2 + 4x + 3) = -x/2

Multiplying both sides by (6x^2 + 4x + 3) * 2:
-3x^3 - x^2 - 9x - 8 = -x(6x^2 + 4x + 3)

Expanding both sides:
-3x^3 - x^2 - 9x - 8 = -6x^3 - 4x^2 - 3x

Rearranging the terms:
3x^3 - 3x^2 - 6x - 8 = 0

Unfortunately, solving this cubic equation is quite complex, especially without numerical methods. So, determining the exact value(s) where f(x) intersects the non-vertical asymptote would require further calculations or the use of numerical techniques.

To find the smallest value of x (denoted as c) at which f(c) intersects the non-vertical asymptote, we need to find the x-coordinate(s) where f(x) = -x/2. This involves solving the equation we derived earlier, 3x^3 - 3x^2 - 6x - 8 = 0.

If you believe you did not make a mistake in your calculations, double-check your steps and ensure that the equation was correctly rearranged. Consider using a calculator or mathematical software to solve the cubic equation precisely or approximate the solution(s) numerically.