Coach Johnson is 10 years older than Tim. When Tim started football 3 years ago, Coach Johnson was twice his age. How old is Tim now?

Tim's current age -- x

coach's current age -- x+10

3 yrs ago, Tim was x-3
3 yrs ago, coach was x+7

(x+7) = 2(x-3)
x+7 = 2x - 6
13 = x

Tim is now 13

check: if Tim is 13, then coach is 23
3 years ago, Tim was 10 , coach was 20
Yes, he was twice as old then!

Tim would be 13 years old now coach johnson is 23 now

To find out how old Tim is now, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Let's assume Tim's current age as 'x'.

Step 2: According to the given information, Coach Johnson is 10 years older than Tim, so Coach Johnson's current age would be 'x + 10'.

Step 3: We also know that when Tim started football 3 years ago, Coach Johnson was twice his age. So, 3 years ago, Tim's age would have been 'x - 3', and Coach Johnson's age at that time would have been 'x - 3 + 10'.

Step 4: According to the given condition, 3 years ago Coach Johnson was twice Tim's age. So, we can set up the following equation:

(x - 3 + 10) = 2(x - 3)

Let's solve the equation to find Tim's current age:

x - 3 + 10 = 2x - 6
x + 7 = 2x - 6
7 + 6 = 2x - x
13 = x

So, Tim is currently 13 years old.