What are coupled reactions?

Describe the interactions between enzyme, substrate, active site and the induced fit model

Explain how changes in temperature, and pH affect the function of enzymes

Recognize the structure of ATP, and be able to identify some key functions of ATP.

How is ATP broken down to release energy? How does this relate to anabolic reactions?
Catabolic reactions? What about endergonic and exergonic?

What is the ATP/ADP cycle? Why is this cycle important, how does it relate to the laws
of energy?

any help will be apreciated

Coupled reactions refer to a pair of chemical reactions that are linked together in a way that the energy released by one reaction is used to drive the other reaction. In this way, the energetically favorable reaction provides the necessary energy for the energetically unfavorable reaction to occur.

The interaction between an enzyme and its substrate is crucial for enzymatic reactions. Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions in living organisms. The substrate is the molecule that binds to the enzyme and undergoes a transformation to form a product. The active site of an enzyme is the specific region where the substrate binds. The induced fit model suggests that the active site undergoes slight conformational changes upon substrate binding to optimize the fit and enhance the catalytic activity.

Changes in temperature and pH can greatly influence enzyme function. Enzymes have an optimal temperature and pH range in which they perform optimally. Increasing the temperature generally increases the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions as it provides more energy for the molecules to move and collide. However, excessive temperature can denature the enzyme, rendering it non-functional. Similarly, alterations in pH can disrupt the enzyme's structure and affect its catalytic activity.

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a molecule that serves as the primary energy currency in cells. It consists of an adenine base, a ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups. ATP is responsible for storing and transferring energy within cells. Its key functions include providing energy for cellular processes such as muscle contraction, active transport, and biosynthetic reactions.

ATP is broken down to release energy by a process called hydrolysis. In this process, a phosphate group is cleaved from ATP, forming adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). This hydrolysis reaction releases energy that can be used by cells for various energy-requiring processes.

The breakdown of ATP to release energy is related to anabolic reactions, which are energy-requiring processes that build complex molecules from simpler ones. These reactions typically utilize the energy released by ATP hydrolysis to drive the synthesis of larger molecules.

On the other hand, catabolic reactions involve the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones, releasing energy. The energy released in catabolic reactions can be used to generate ATP through processes like cellular respiration.

Endergonic reactions are those that require an input of energy to proceed. They include anabolic reactions that use ATP to build complex molecules. Exergonic reactions, on the other hand, are spontaneous reactions that release energy. Catabolic reactions that break down ATP fall under the category of exergonic reactions.

The ATP/ADP cycle refers to the continuous conversion of ATP to ADP and vice versa. ATP is synthesized from ADP and inorganic phosphate through cellular respiration or other energy-generating processes. The energy stored in ATP is then utilized by cells, and ATP is converted back to ADP and Pi. This cycle allows for the continuous usage and regeneration of ATP, enabling cells to perform various energy-dependent functions.

The ATP/ADP cycle is important because it allows cells to have a constant supply of energy for their metabolic needs. It also relates to the laws of energy conservation, such as the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can only be converted from one form to another. The ATP/ADP cycle exemplifies the conversion and utilization of energy within the cell while adhering to the principles of thermodynamics.