Write a medical report describing the history, symptoms, and physical examination findings of a patient with pancreatitis. Make sure to include the following terms in your report.

CT Scan
Cystic Fibrosis
Pancreas divisum

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Your first step is to make an outline for this report.

I. Introduction
II. History
III. Symptoms
IV. Physical Examination
V. Conclusion.


Medical Report: Patient with Pancreatitis

Patient Background:
The patient is a 50-year-old male who presented to the emergency department with severe abdominal pain that started abruptly one day ago. He has a history of alcohol abuse and smokes heavily.

History and symptoms:
The patient complains of a constant, sharp pain in the upper abdomen that radiates to the back. He reports nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. The pain is worsened after consuming fatty meals, and he has experienced several episodes of acute pancreatitis in the past.

Physical examination findings:
On examination, the patient appears uncomfortable and is guarding his abdomen. Vital signs are stable, although there is mild tachycardia. Palpation of the abdomen reveals tenderness in the epigastric region. Bowel sounds are present but diminished.

Diagnostic investigations:

1. Laboratory tests were performed, including amylase and lipase levels, which are important markers for pancreatic inflammation. Elevated levels of these pancreatic enzymes suggest pancreatitis.

2. Imaging studies such as a CT scan of the abdomen are valuable diagnostic tools for identifying pancreatitis and its complications. The CT scan can reveal inflammation, pseudocysts, or even pancreatic necrosis.

3. Additional diagnostic procedures may be required depending on individual circumstances. These may include an endoscopy to visually inspect the pancreas and surrounding structures, or an ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) to assess the pancreatic ducts.

Diagnosis and classification:

Based on the patient's symptoms, laboratory findings, and imaging results, a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis secondary to alcohol abuse and smoking is established. Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by repeated episodes of acute inflammation and subsequent irreversible damage to the pancreas.

The presence of gallstones can also trigger acute pancreatitis. However, in this patient, alcohol abuse appears to be the primary cause.

Management and treatment:

Treatment options for chronic pancreatitis generally involve addressing the underlying causes, managing symptoms, and preventing complications. In this case, alcohol cessation and smoking cessation are crucial. The patient may also require pain management with medications such as furosemide or azathioprine, which can help reduce inflammation.

Complications and Prognosis:

Chronic pancreatitis can lead to several complications, including pseudocyst formation, diabetes (due to impairment of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas), and malabsorption of nutrients. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels and pancreatic enzyme replacement therapies may be necessary to manage these complications.

Additionally, certain risk factors implicate the development of chronic pancreatitis, such as cystic fibrosis, hypercalcemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and pancreas divisum. These conditions were not found in our patient.


In summary, the patient presented with symptoms consistent with chronic pancreatitis. The diagnosis was confirmed based on laboratory tests, CT scan findings, and the patient's history. Management involves treating the underlying causes, managing symptoms, and preventing complications. Regular follow-up and monitoring are necessary to provide proper care and improve the patient's quality of life.