how to write 4th july 2011 in 5 letters without using letters


Please read the linked responses to this question. Scroll down a bit and read the posts under Related Questions.

Please note that "ina"'s answer is wrong.

the answer is TODAY(14 JULY 2011)

the answer is TODAY(14 JULY 2011) The above question will be asked with the current date.....

To represent the date "4th July 2011" using just 5 letters without using actual letters, you could use a combination of numbers, symbols, and abbreviations:

1. 4th July 2011 ➞ 4/Jul/11:
- Use the number "4" to represent the day.
- Use "Jul" as an abbreviation for July.
- Use "11" to represent the year.

Therefore, "4th July 2011" can be written as "4/Jul/11" using 5 letters.