What type of resume emphasizes the continuity and growth of your career?

A. Targeted
B. Chronological
C. Functional
D. Creative

2. Suppose you're an artist who has been doing projects on your own and, at the same time, working at an art supply store. You're ready to try to get a job in a gallery, but you have little experience. What type of resume would you most likely choose for this purpose?
A. Targeted
B. Chronological
C. Functional
D. Creative

3. Which one of the following rights of ownership restricts the artist the least?
A. First North American rights
B. First world rights
C. Exclusive unlimited world rights
D. Subsidiary rights

4. The owner of a small market has offered you $100 to design an advertisement. Your best option would be to
A. enter into an attorney-approved contract.
B. begin by negotiating reproduction rights.
C. request first North American rights.
D. draw up a purchase order.

5. Which type of resume emphasizes dates and job titles?
A. Functional
B. Creative
C. Targeted
D. Chronological

6. You've decided to send resumes to companies in a number of different cities. In which document should you express your willingness to relocate?
A. Cover letter
B. Targeted resume
C. Contract
D. Chronological resume

7. You design a logo for the window of a client's dry cleaning store. You want to make sure that the client can't use your design in any other way. You should make sure your contract contains a/an _______ clause.
A. copyright
B. cancellation
C. reproduction rights
D. fair use

8. The right to use an artist's work for research purposes is protected by
A. reproduction rights.
B. copyright law.
C. copyright notice.
D. fair use.

9. Which one of the following statements describes first North American rights?
A. Your client is the first in the United States to reproduce your work.
B. You can work only in the United States and Canada.
C. Your client is the only one in the United States allowed to reproduce your work.
D. You can't work in Europe.

10. You've produced a series of illustrations for a client. You want to register your illustrations with the United States Copyright Office. You would most likely choose which type of registrations?
A. Copyright notice
B. Group registration
C. Reproduction rights
D. Tear sheet

11. At what point do artists' works become protected by copyright?
A. On the date the work is created
B. On the date the work is published
C. On the date the Copyright Office receives a completed application
D. On the date the artist receives a Certificate of Registration

12. Which one of the following clients would be most likely to offer a standard contract for artwork they've commissioned?
A. A large art gallery
B. A small, independent restaurant
C. A private club
D. A local fish market

13. A cover letter for freelance employment should include
A. details about your education.
B. a description of each piece of art you send.
C. a brief introduction to you and your work.
D. the rate at which you expect to be reimbursed.

14. Which one of the following individuals would most likely not have to submit a resume for a job?
A. A commercial artist whose career has been developing over several years
B. A graphic designer who has little experience
C. An experienced professional who wants to take a new direction
D. A freelance artist who wants to design a book jacket

15. Which one of the following reproduction rights gives the artist the least amount of freedom?
A. First world rights
B. Subsidiary rights
C. Exclusive unlimited world rights
D. All rights

16. Which one of the following items must you submit to the Copyright Office?
A. Certificate of Registration
B. Form VA
C. Copyright Notice
D. Group registration

17. Which one of the following situations is an example of a breach of contract?
A. You must appear in court because of a contractual disagreement.
B. Your client has used your artwork for educational purposes without your permission.
C. Your client changes her mind and decides not use the art she contracted.
D. Your client fails to pay you after you complete a contracted job.

18. A bill you send a client for your artwork is called a/an
A. fee.
B. invoice.
C. standard contract.
D. fair use.

19. You produce a painting for an encyclopedia. The publisher of the encyclopedia most likely has what type of rights to your artwork?
A. Reproduction rights
B. Copyrights
C. Nonexclusive rights
D. Subsidiary rights

20. In which of the following situations are you entitled to a kill fee?
A. You produce a piece of artwork according to the client's specifications, but the client decides not to use your work.
B. You and the client agree on a design, and you decide to make extensive changes that the client doesn't like.
C. You deliver a design that doesn't meet the client's specifications.
D. You don't deliver a design on time.

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1. The type of resume that emphasizes the continuity and growth of your career is the B. Chronological resume. This type of resume presents your work experience in reverse chronological order, highlighting your career progression and showing a clear timeline of your employment history.

2. If you're an artist with little experience looking to get a job in a gallery, the most suitable type of resume would be the C. Functional resume. This resume format focuses on your skills and accomplishments rather than just listing your work history. It allows you to highlight relevant skills, such as your artistic abilities, even if you don't have much professional experience in the field.

3. The answer is C. Exclusive unlimited world rights. This type of ownership right gives the artist the least restrictions because it grants the client the exclusive rights to use the artwork in any way, anywhere in the world, without limitations.

4. When the owner of a small market offers you $100 to design an advertisement, your best option would be to D. draw up a purchase order. A purchase order serves as a written agreement between you and the client outlining the details of the project, including the agreed price, scope of work, and other terms and conditions.

5. The type of resume that emphasizes dates and job titles is the D. Chronological resume. This format presents your work history in reverse chronological order, making it easy for employers to see your career progression and the time periods in which you held specific roles.

6. If you're sending resumes to companies in different cities and want to express your willingness to relocate, the best place to do so would be in the A. Cover letter. The cover letter is an accompanying document to your resume where you can provide more personalized information and express your interest and availability for the job. You can mention your willingness to relocate in the cover letter.

7. To ensure that the client can't use your logo design in any other way, your contract should contain an A. copyright clause. This clause grants the artist the legal rights to their work and prevents the client from using the design without permission or in any unauthorized manner.

8. The right to use an artist's work for research purposes is protected by D. fair use. Fair use is a legal doctrine that allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder in certain circumstances, such as for educational purposes, criticism, or research.

9. First North American rights means that A. your client is the first in the United States to reproduce your work. It grants the client exclusive rights to use your work for the first time in North America, but it doesn't restrict your ability to work in other regions or countries.

10. If you want to register a series of illustrations with the United States Copyright Office, the most likely choice would be B. Group registration. This type of registration allows you to register multiple related works as a group, saving time and cost compared to registering each work individually.

11. Artists' works become protected by copyright on the date the work is created, according to A. On the date the work is created. Copyright protection applies automatically as soon as a work is created and fixed in a tangible form, such as a painting, photograph, or written document.

12. A large art gallery would be most likely to offer a standard contract for artwork they've commissioned, as mentioned in A. A large art gallery. Standard contracts are more commonly used by established institutions or businesses that frequently commission artwork and have pre-existing templates or agreements in place.

13. A cover letter for freelance employment should include C. a brief introduction to you and your work. It serves as an introduction to your skills, experience, and why you are interested in the freelance job opportunity. You can briefly describe your background, skills, and relevant achievements.

14. The individual most likely not required to submit a resume for a job is D. A freelance artist who wants to design a book jacket. Freelance artists often rely on their portfolio and specific project proposals rather than traditional resumes to showcase their work and attract clients.

15. The reproduction rights that give the artist the least amount of freedom are C. Exclusive unlimited world rights. This type of rights grants the client exclusive and unrestricted use of the artwork in any way and anywhere in the world, limiting the artist's control and ability to use or license the work to others.

16. The item you must submit to the United States Copyright Office is A. Certificate of Registration. This is the official document issued by the Copyright Office after your work has been successfully registered and provides proof of copyright ownership.

17. A breach of contract occurs when D. Your client fails to pay you after you complete a contracted job. It refers to a situation where one party involved in a contract fails to fulfill their obligations or violates the terms and conditions agreed upon in the contract.

18. The bill you send a client for your artwork is called B. an invoice. An invoice is a document that itemizes the products or services provided, along with their costs, terms of payment, and any other relevant financial details.

19. If you produce a painting for an encyclopedia, the publisher most likely has A. Reproduction rights to your artwork. Reproduction rights allow the publisher to use the artwork for the purposes of replicating it in the encyclopedia, such as printing or digital distribution.

20. You're entitled to a kill fee when A. You produce a piece of artwork according to the client's specifications, but the client decides not to use your work. A kill fee is a predetermined payment or compensation that an artist receives if a project is canceled or the client decides not to use the artwork despite the artist fulfilling their obligations.