For this project I have to find the indiviual area, the total area,and the quantity of each shape.I get the quantity part.But the indiviual shape you have find the base and height.Then you add the total area from all the indiviual.I don't get.

I can definitely help explain the process of finding the individual areas, total area, and quantity of each shape for your project.

To find the area of a shape, you generally need to know the measurements of its base and height (for shapes like rectangles, triangles, and parallelograms). The base is one of the sides of the shape, and the height is the perpendicular distance between the base and the opposite side.

For example, let's consider a rectangle. To find its individual area, you would need to know the length of its base (one of the sides) and the height. The formula for the area of a rectangle is base multiplied by height. So, you multiply the length of the base by the height to find the area of the rectangle.

Similarly, for other shapes like triangles or parallelograms, you can use their respective formulas to find their individual areas. The formula for the area of a triangle is base multiplied by height divided by 2, while the formula for the area of a parallelogram is base multiplied by height.

Once you have found the individual areas of each shape, you can add them together to find the total area. This represents the sum of all the individual areas.

The quantity of each shape refers to the number of times that shape appears in the project. For example, if you have three rectangles, two triangles, and one parallelogram, there are three rectangles, two triangles, and one parallelogram in total.

To summarize the process:
1. Identify the base and height of each shape.
2. Use the appropriate formula to find the individual area of each shape.
3. Add all the individual areas together to find the total area.
4. Determine the quantity of each shape by counting how many times each shape appears in the project.

By following these steps, you can find the individual areas, total area, and quantity of each shape for your project.