Women were considered as inferior to men (Why is as not necessary after consider?) Can you give a list of verbs followed by "as"? Thank you.

Start with a GOOD definition: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/as (Read ALL the different definitions here and the examples given.)

From my memory, these are some verbs that take "as" after them:
thought of

Without "as":

(You should make your own lists and add to them whenever you run across these combinations -- or when the combination won't work.)

As I've written before, some of these things cannot be explained. There doesn't seem to be any logic involved ... simply usage over a long period of time. That's how idioms and phrasal verbs, etc., come to be. I'll put some more links below for you to add to the phrasal verbs link I gave you yesterday.

In this website, using the Index is the easiest way to find specific grammatical and/or usage topics.


Some idioms and slang sections here.

And here's one that may have items of interest for you once in a while:

Here's another really interesting website -- a blog, actually:


There are LOTS of useful links and resources in the lists at the right.

Happy exploring!


The word "as" is often used after the verb "consider" to introduce a comparison or description of someone or something. However, in some cases, "as" can be omitted without changing the meaning of the sentence. In the example you provided, "Women were considered inferior to men," the meaning is clear even without the word "as."

That being said, here is a list of verbs that are commonly followed by "as" to introduce a comparison or description:

- Regard: He regarded her as a close friend.
- Treat: They treated him as a member of the family.
- View: She viewed the situation as a challenge.
- See: I see her as a talented musician.
- Describe: They described the painting as abstract.
- Identify: He identified himself as a scientist.
- Define: The dictionary defines "technology" as the application of scientific knowledge.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, as there are many more verbs that can be followed by "as" in specific contexts. It's always a good idea to consult a reliable dictionary or grammar resource for further information and examples.