use a number line to find the sum of the numbers.

1. 3 and 5
2. -6 and 3

i don't get this

from zero go right 3,

then from there go right 5 more
and end up at 8

from zero go left 6,
then from there go right 3
and end up at -3

ohhh alright i get it know. thanks for the help!

You are welcome :)

Find the sum. Use a number line to find the sum.


To use a number line to find the sum of two numbers, you can follow these steps:

1. Draw a number line with positive and negative numbers.

2. For the first question, you need to find the sum of 3 and 5. Start by locating the number 3 on the number line.

3. From there, move 5 units to the right. Each unit represents one whole number. So, for example, if you are at 3 and move 5 units to the right, you will end up at 8.

4. Therefore, the sum of 3 and 5 is 8.

Now let's move on to the second question.

1. Again, draw a number line with positive and negative numbers.

2. This time, you need to find the sum of -6 and 3. Start by locating the number -6 on the number line.

3. From there, move 3 units to the right, since the second number is positive. Each unit represents one whole number. So, if you are at -6 and move 3 units (to the right) on the number line, you will end up at -3.

4. Therefore, the sum of -6 and 3 is -3.

By using a number line, you can visually represent the addition of two numbers and determine their sum.