what is the maximum loan for which Texas Oil Supplies could qualify? If the rate is 8.5

To determine the maximum loan for which Texas Oil Supplies could qualify, you would need to provide additional information such as the repayment term, any collateral being offered, and the company's financial standing.

Typically, lenders analyze multiple factors when deciding the maximum loan amount for a business. These factors may include the borrower's creditworthiness, financial statements, cash flow projections, industry trends, and the purpose of the loan.

To start, you would need to gather financial information about Texas Oil Supplies, including their annual revenue, profits, assets, and liabilities. You should also consider any existing debts or outstanding loans.

Next, you would need to assess the creditworthiness of Texas Oil Supplies. This involves evaluating their credit score, payment history, and overall financial stability.

Once you have this information, you can approach lenders or use online loan calculators that take into account factors such as interest rates, repayment terms, and the type of loan (secured or unsecured) to determine the maximum loan amount.

Remember that every lender may have different criteria and requirements, so it's important to shop around and compare offers from various financial institutions or consult with a financial advisor to get more specific information tailored to Texas Oil Supplies' situation.