is it true or false

A fixed length hash value of 128 bits is less collision resistant than a fixed length hash value of 512 bits

A bigger hash value usually represent more space in the hash table, and therefore reduces the risk of collisions. However, a 128 bit hash value equates to an immense hash table.


A fixed-length hash value refers to the result of applying a hash function to a given input, such as a message or data. The length of the hash value determines the number of possible output values and thus affects the level of collision resistance.

Collision resistance refers to the property of a hash function wherein it is computationally infeasible to find two different input values that produce the same hash output. In other words, a collision occurs when two different inputs produce the same hash value.

The length of the hash value directly impacts collision resistance. Generally, a longer hash value provides stronger collision resistance because it allows for a larger number of possible output values, making it less likely for different inputs to result in the same hash value.

In the given statement, it is true that a fixed-length hash value of 512 bits is more collision resistant than a fixed-length hash value of 128 bits. The larger 512-bit hash value allows for a significantly larger number of possible output values, making it much more challenging for different inputs to produce the same hash value compared to a 128-bit hash value.