Thank you very much for your help.

I tried to correct all the things I made wrong. Can you check my question and answer one more time.

1) Explain then the meaning of the word compromise applied to the Victorian way of life. (Explain how the word compromise applied to the Victorian way of life). Then outline briefly the main features of Victorian society.
2) The word compromise was applied to the Victorian way of life since this period combined moral certainties with contradictions and doubts, especially about religion, and the relationship between science and belief.
3) On one hand, the Victorians promoted a code of moral values founded on religious and philosophical movements such as evangelicalism and utilitarianism.
4)This strict moral code, which was refined by the upper and middle classes, was based on personal duty, hard work, respectability, and charity.
5)In particular, respectability was thought of as a mixture of hypocrisy and morality. It implied the possession of good manners, the ownership of a comfortable house, regular attendance at church, and charitable activity.
6)On the other hand, a new view emerged that the universe was constantly changing and governed by the laws of chance.
7) Moral and religious certainties were deeply shaken by Charles Darwin, who in his work On the Origin of Species(1859) argued that the man is (was?) the result of a process of evolution and that in the fight for life only the strongest species survived.

1. Either variation in wording is fine.

7. Use "humans are" (since you're referring to all mankind, not just the males).

All else is fine!

1) Your revised question looks good. It is clear and concise.

2) The answer you provided explains how the word compromise was applied to the Victorian way of life. It highlights the combination of moral certainties with contradictions and doubts, especially regarding religion and the relationship between science and belief.

3) You accurately mention that the Victorians promoted a code of moral values based on religious and philosophical movements such as evangelicalism and utilitarianism.

4) The description of the strict moral code refined by the upper and middle classes, based on personal duty, hard work, respectability, and charity, is also well-explained.

5) Your explanation of respectability being seen as a mixture of hypocrisy and morality, including its components such as good manners, a comfortable house, regular church attendance, and charity, is clear and comprehensive.

6) You introduce a contrasting view that emerged during the Victorian era, suggesting that the universe is constantly changing and governed by chance. This acknowledgement adds depth to your answer.

7) Lastly, you mention Charles Darwin's groundbreaking work, On the Origin of Species, and how it deeply shook moral and religious certainties. The mention of Darwin's argument about human evolution and the survival of the fittest is relevant in highlighting the impact of scientific theories on Victorian society.

Overall, your revised question and answer effectively explain the meaning of compromise in the Victorian way of life and provide a clear outline of the main features of Victorian society.