where will i get the essay in about 500 words on

"polluting the environment is dangerous for human existence",prove using present instances

To find an essay on the topic of "polluting the environment is dangerous for human existence," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for "essay on polluting the environment is dangerous for human existence" on an internet search engine, such as Google.

2. Look for reputable sources such as educational websites, research papers, or articles from recognized organizations that focus on environmental issues or sustainability. These sources are more likely to provide well-researched and reliable information.

3. Once you find a suitable source, click on the link to access the essay. If the essay is not directly available, you may need to navigate through the website to locate it. Look for sections like "articles," "essays," or "research."

4. Read through the essay to gain an understanding of the author's argument and the present instances provided to support that argument. Look for specific examples, case studies, or statistics that demonstrate the dangerous effects of environmental pollution on human existence.

5. Take notes or highlight relevant points as you read to help you remember the key arguments and examples for later reference.

6. Analyze the essay critically to evaluate the strength of the author's argument and the evidence provided. Consider the credibility of the sources used and the logical reasoning presented.

7. Once you have thoroughly reviewed the essay and gathered the necessary information, you can use it as a reference or as a source of inspiration to write your own essay on the topic.

Remember that plagiarism is discouraged, so make sure to properly cite any information or ideas you reference from the essay, giving credit to the original author.