Can you please check these last questions, please? Thank you.

1) What major changes took place in England during the Industrial Revolution?/What changes did the industrial revolution bring to England?
2) What did the most important inventions concern? (They concerned machinery for cloth-making such as the spinning jenny and the water frame)
3) What caused the invention of the steam power? More energy was needed to drive machinery.
4) Which kind of factories sprang up all over England? (Cotton mills, potteries and iron works. Britain became the most manufacturing country in the world).
5) Who were the Luddites (pronunciation Laddaits) and who were they named after? (Who did their name derive?).Their name derived from Ned Ludd.
6) When were the Factory Acts passed and what did they establish? (the employmen of children was forbidden by law).

1) OK

2) What were the most important inventions? (They were machines for cloth-making such as the spinning jenny and the water frame)

3) What led to the invention of the steam power? More energy was needed to drive machinery.

4) Which kinds of factories sprang up all over England? (Cotton mills, potteries and iron works. Britain became the largest manufacturing country in the world).

5) Who were the Luddites (pronunciation Luhd-ayts) and who were they named after? (Where did their name come from?) They are named after Ned Ludd. <~~There's a little speaker icon here -- press it to hear the word pronounced.

6) When were the Factory Acts passed, and what did they establish? (The employment of children was forbidden by law.)

1) To find out what major changes took place in England during the Industrial Revolution, you can start by researching primary and secondary sources like books, articles, or reputable websites on the topic. Look for information on the advancements in technology, industrialization, urbanization, changes in agriculture, social and economic shifts, and impact on the working class. Some key points to consider include the rise of factories and mechanization, the growth of cities and population, the transformation of the textile industry, the development of transportation systems like railways, and the emergence of the middle class.

2) To determine what the most important inventions during the Industrial Revolution concerned, you can study the history of technological advancements in that period. Focus on inventions related to machinery for cloth-making, such as the spinning jenny and the water frame. Look for sources that discuss the impact and significance of these inventions, how they revolutionized the textile industry, and how they contributed to the overall industrialization process.

3) To understand the cause of the invention of steam power, you can explore the historical context and technological developments of the time. Research how the growing demand for more energy to drive machinery led to the invention and adoption of steam power. Look for information on the technological advancements in steam engine technology, including James Watt's improvements, and how steam power became a critical source of energy in various industries.

4) To find out which kind of factories sprang up all over England during the Industrial Revolution, you can research the key industries that experienced significant growth and expansion. Focus on industries like cotton mills, potteries, and iron works, as these were major contributors to England's manufacturing prowess during that time. Seek out sources that discuss the industrial sectors that saw the highest concentration of factories, their geographical distribution, and the reasons behind their rapid development.

5) To understand who the Luddites were and who they were named after, you can delve into the history and context of the Luddite movement. Research the social and economic conditions during the Industrial Revolution and how these conditions impacted workers in the textile industry. The Luddites were a group of early 19th-century English textile workers who opposed the machinery and technology that threatened their traditional livelihoods. They were named after Ned Ludd, a fictional figure who allegedly destroyed machinery that he believed was taking away jobs.

6) To determine when the Factory Acts were passed and what they established, you can study the legislative history of labor reforms during the Industrial Revolution in England. Look for information on the timeline and details of the Factory Acts, which aimed to regulate and improve working conditions in factories. Find sources that specify the years when the acts were passed (such as the Factory Act of 1833) and outline their provisions, including restrictions on child labor and safety regulations.