What action makes the sound of the heart beating?


Is the answer lub dub

No. That's the sound. It doesn't tell WHAT makes the sound.

Watch and listen to this video.


The action that makes the sound of the heart beating is known as "auscultation." It involves using a medical instrument called a stethoscope to listen to the sounds produced by the heart during its functioning.

To perform auscultation of the heart, here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Get a stethoscope: A stethoscope consists of a Y-shaped tube with two earpieces and a bell at one end. Make sure the earpieces fit comfortably in your ears.

2. Position yourself and the person properly: The individual whose heart you want to listen to should be seated or lying down comfortably. Ideally, their chest should be bare to allow for better sound transmission.

3. Locate the heart sounds: Place the bell of the stethoscope over the individual's chest, specifically on the "apical" region, which is at the fifth intercostal space in the midclavicular line on the left side of the chest. This is where the heart sounds are most audible.

4. Listen carefully: Close your eyes if it helps you concentrate, and listen for two primary sounds: the "lub-dub" sound. The first sound ("lub") occurs when the heart's valves close after blood has been pumped out of the chambers. The second sound ("dub") happens when the valves close after allowing blood to fill the chambers.

5. Identify abnormal sounds or murmurs: In addition to the normal heart sounds, you might hear additional sounds like murmurs, which can signify certain heart conditions. These can be faint, blowing, or swishing sounds that require further evaluation by a healthcare professional.

Remember, auscultation requires proper technique and practice to become proficient. If you wish to learn more or perform auscultation for diagnostic purposes, it is always best to consult a qualified healthcare provider.