for the equation 6x+7y-6=0 what is the ordered pair

To find the ordered pair that satisfies the equation 6x + 7y - 6 = 0, we need to find values for x and y that make the equation true at the same time.

Step 1: Solve for one variable in terms of the other.
Start by isolating one variable on one side of the equation. Let's solve for x in terms of y:
6x + 7y - 6 = 0
6x = -7y + 6
x = (-7y + 6) / 6

Step 2: Substitute arbitrary values for one variable.
Choose an arbitrary value for y, let's say y = 1, and substitute it into the equation to find the corresponding x value.

x = (-7(1) + 6) / 6
x = (-7 + 6) / 6
x = -1 / 6

So, for y = 1, the corresponding x value is -1/6. We can represent this ordered pair as (-1/6, 1).

Therefore, the ordered pair that satisfies the equation 6x + 7y - 6 = 0 is (-1/6, 1).

6X + 7Y - 6 = 0.

6X + 7Y = 6,
Let X = 0, and solve for Y:
6*0 + 7Y = 6,
7Y = 6,
Y = 6/7.

Ordered Pair: (X,Y) = (0,6/7).

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