If Denise received a 6% raise and is now making $25,550 per year, what was her salary before the raise?

1.06x = 25500

Solve for x.



To find Denise's salary before the raise, we can use the information given. Let's go through the steps:

Step 1: Calculate the raise amount
First, we need to find out how much Denise's raise is. Since she received a 6% raise, we can multiply her old salary by 6% (0.06) to find the raise amount.
Raise amount = Old salary * 0.06

Step 2: Calculate the new salary
Denise's new salary is given as $25,550 per year.

Step 3: Find the old salary
To find her old salary, we can subtract the raise amount from her new salary.
Old salary = New salary - Raise amount

Let's calculate it:

Raise amount = Old salary * 0.06
25,550 - Old salary = (Old salary * 0.06)
25,550 = 0.06 * Old salary + Old salary

Combining like terms:
25,550 = 1.06 * Old salary

Dividing both sides by 1.06 to isolate Old salary:
Old salary ≈ 24,104.72

Therefore, Denise's salary before the raise was approximately $24,104.72 per year.