Hi I have a sample question for a math assessment that I wanted to ask about:

What number is expressed by (9 x 6) -s- 3?

a 18

b 27

c 6

d 21

Which of these answers is right and what is "s" suppose to mean?
Is S like some sort of fixed value?

I do not know what -s- is supposed to mean. You may want to look carefully through the instructions which probably defines what -s- is.

From the context, it seems that -s- stands for a binary mathematical operator, since it is situated between two numbers, and the result is supposed to be another number.

One of the operators that gives a result appearing in one of the four choices is the divide operator (÷), which when substituted, gives
(9*6)÷3 = 18.

In short, read through the instructions which the answer should lie.

Thank you...

You're welcome.

Do let me know if -s- is defined somewhere in the instructions.

Hi, no it wasn't. I think the assessment website is buggy because it didn't feel right.

I have to contact the college and inquire. Thanks anyways as your answer made me see that there is a problem with site.

In that case, it is very possible that it was a programming related problem.

It is a generalized question where -s- is supposed to be replaced by an operator, be it +,-,x or ÷ etc.
In this case, the replacement was not made, which renders the question not comprehensible.

It would be a good idea to check with your instructor.

To solve this math question, we need to follow the order of operations, which is typically remembered using the acronym PEMDAS: parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division (from left to right), and addition and subtraction (from left to right).

In the given expression, (9 x 6) -s- 3, "s" represents a placeholder or unknown value. We cannot determine the answer without knowing the specific value of "s" or any additional information.

However, we can simplify the expression based on the order of operations. First, perform the multiplication operation: 9 x 6 = 54. Now, we can rewrite the expression as 54 -s- 3.

Since we don't know the value of "s," we cannot calculate the exact answer. The possible answers provided, 18, 27, 6, and 21, may correspond to different values of "s." Without more context, it's difficult to determine which answer is correct.

If you are looking for a specific value for "s," you will need additional information or context provided in the question or problem statement.