if andres was born january 13 he would be how many days old today?

Jan >> 31 - 13 = 18

Feb >> 28
Mar >> 31
Apr >> 30
May >> 31
June >> 16

Add the days.


Nope. Please add these numbers again.

To calculate how many days old Andres is today, we need to know the current date. Since you did not provide the current date, I will provide the general steps to calculate the number of days.

1. Subtract the birth year from the current year to calculate the number of years.

2. Multiply the number of years by 365 (assuming there is no leap year within this period) to get the total number of days from the complete years.

3. Count the number of days in the current year from January 1st to the current date.

4. Add the results from steps 2 and 3 to get the total number of days.

For example, if today is October 20, 2022, and Andres was born on January 13, 1990, here's how we calculate:

1. The current year is 2022, and Andres was born in 1990, so he is 32 years old.
2. 32 years * 365 days/year = 11,680 days.
3. Count the number of days from January 1st to October 20th: 20 days.
4. Add the results from steps 2 and 3: 11,680 + 20 = 11,700 days.

Therefore, if today is October 20, 2022, Andres would be 11,700 days old.