Does anybody know what factors I can research that result in economic stratification?

I can't find much from google, don't know what to look up.

Thanks, but I couldn't find any specifics.

I need examples of laws and such. Only thing I can think of is poor neighborhoods and as a result poor schools

To research the factors that result in economic stratification, you can start by examining various socioeconomic variables and exploring related theories. Here are some steps you can take to find more information:

1. Begin with a general search: Start by searching for terms like "factors of economic stratification" or "causes of income inequality." This initial search may provide you with a broad overview and introduce you to key concepts and theories.

2. Look for academic sources: Explore scholarly articles, research papers, and books that discuss the topic. Academic databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate can be fruitful sources of information. Use keywords like "economic stratification," "income distribution," "wealth inequality," or "social class" in combination with terms such as "factors," "causes," or "determinants."

3. Review economic theories: Familiarize yourself with different economic theories that address income inequality and economic stratification. Classical theories (such as those by Adam Smith or Karl Marx) and modern theories (such as the human capital theory or institutional economics) can provide insights into the factors contributing to economic stratification.

4. Consider sociological perspectives: Economic stratification is a subject studied not only in economics but also in sociology. Sociological theories like functionalism, conflict theory, or symbolic interactionism can provide alternative perspectives on the causes and consequences of economic stratification.

5. Analyze empirical studies: Look for empirical studies that investigate specific factors contributing to economic stratification, such as education, job opportunities, social mobility, taxation policies, technological advancements, or political factors. Analyzing these studies can give you a more evidence-based understanding of the topic.

6. Connect with experts: Engage with experts or academics in the field by joining relevant online forums, attending conferences, or reaching out to professors or researchers specializing in economics or sociology. They may provide additional insights or recommend valuable resources.

Remember, researching complex topics like economic stratification requires a combination of searching for information, critically evaluating sources, and synthesizing various perspectives.