Seven letter word , second letter an a , fourth letter an e, and sixth letter an u, what is this word?

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm this not the ansaw mmm i said 9 letters and the secend letter is n and the last letter is e

Based on the given information, the word that meets the criteria is "Amounts."

To find a seven-letter word with the second letter as 'a', the fourth letter as 'e', and the sixth letter as 'u', you can utilize an online word search or use a tool like an anagram solver. Here is the process you can follow:

1. Start by making a list of possible seven-letter words that meet the given criteria (second letter as 'a', fourth letter as 'e', and sixth letter as 'u'). As there might be many options, it can be difficult to narrow them down manually.

2. Visit an online word search website or use an anagram solver tool where you can input the known letters and their positions. These tools will generate a list of words that match the given criteria.

3. Input the known letters and their positions (___a__e) into the search field or anagram solver tool.

4. Review the generated list of possible words and look for a word that satisfies the conditions (second letter='a', fourth letter='e', sixth letter='u'). You can check each word until you find the correct one.

Remember to cross-reference the words from the generated list with their definitions or contexts to ensure you have the correct word that fits the intended meaning.