1. I found intetest in Harry Potter.

2. I found an intetest in Harry Potter.
3. I found intetests in Harry Potter.
4. I got interested in Harry Potter.
5. I got interest in Harry Potter.
6. I became interesed in Harry Potter.
7. I got an interest in Harry Potter.

(Which expressions are grammatically correct?)

4 and 6 are best.

The others are o.k., but not used very much.

Be sure you're consistent in spelling interest and interested.

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Out of the seven expressions, the following ones are grammatically correct:

1. I found interest in Harry Potter.
2. I got interested in Harry Potter.
4. I got an interest in Harry Potter.

1. The phrase "found interest" is grammatically correct. "Found" is used as a verb, and "interest" is used as a noun, showing that you have discovered or developed an interest in Harry Potter.

2. The expression "got interested" is grammatically correct. Here, "got" is used as a verb meaning to acquire, and "interested" is an adjective, describing that you have become interested in Harry Potter.

4. "Got an interest" is also grammatically correct. "Got" is the verb, "an" is the indefinite article, and "interest" is a noun. This expression indicates that you have acquired a specific interest in Harry Potter.

The other expressions (2, 3, 5, 6) contain incorrect word forms or incorrect usage of articles. Remember, using the correct verb forms, articles, and noun or adjective forms is important for grammatically correct sentences.