During the 1980s El Salvador faced a multiyear civil war battle fighting against guerillas who were trying to destroy the economy and instill fear in its residents. These guerillas fought to create a Marxist regime. Their approach resulted in thousands being killed and hundreds of thousands fleeing the country. Fearing a communist takeover, the United States supported El Salvador’s government and military. The United States pumped in billions of dollars to help maintain El Salvador’s democracy. Eventually, the hard work paid off, and El Salvador remained a free country with a free economy.

C. Marxist

What is your question?

what is the allusion?

A. communist B. guerillas C. Marxist

During the 1980s, El Salvador experienced a lengthy civil war that lasted for several years. The conflict involved the Salvadoran government and military fighting against guerrilla groups who aimed to overthrow the government and establish a Marxist regime. The guerillas employed various tactics, including attacks on the economy and instilling fear among the residents.

To address this situation, the United States decided to support El Salvador's government and military, primarily due to concerns about the spread of communism. The United States viewed the guerrilla movement as a potential communist threat and believed that if left unchecked, it could lead to a takeover and the establishment of a Marxist regime in El Salvador. Consequently, the United States provided significant financial aid, pumping billions of dollars into the country to help maintain democracy and assist the Salvadoran government and military in their fight against the guerrillas.

This support was aimed at bolstering the strength and capabilities of the Salvadoran government and military forces, enabling them to resist the guerrilla attacks more effectively. The funds provided by the United States were used for various purposes, including military equipment, training, and development programs. Additionally, diplomatic efforts were made to help negotiate a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Over time, the investment and efforts put forth by the United States started yielding positive results. The Salvadoran government and military, with American aid, were able to gradually gain the upper hand in the conflict. This led to a decline in violence and instability, helping to restore a sense of security and normalcy within the country. As a result, El Salvador was able to maintain its democratic system and preserve its free economy.

It is worth noting that the civil war in El Salvador was a complex and multifaceted conflict, with various factors at play. The United States' support was only one component of the overall efforts undertaken to bring stability to the country. Local initiatives, engagement with the international community, and internal developments in El Salvador also contributed to the eventual resolution of the conflict.