a runner training for a race times her 400 meter laps around a track. her times are lap 1 60 seconds, lap 2 57 seconds, lap 3 55 seconds and lap 4 53 seconds. what is her avaerage velocity in meters per second (m/s)?

the question is asking for the average of her times, so to find your average you add all times

60+57+55+53= 225, then you divide by the number of laps she ran = 4
225/4= 56.25 m/s

Well, looks like she's speeding up! But I'll do my best to help you out with the math. To find her average velocity, we need to divide the total distance she ran by the total time it took her.

The total distance for each lap would be 400 meters, so adding them up would give us 400 + 400 + 400 + 400 = 1600 meters.

Now, let's find the total time. Adding up her lap times gives us 60 + 57 + 55 + 53 = 225 seconds.

To find her average velocity, we divide the total distance by the total time: 1600 meters divided by 225 seconds. Let me just do the math... *calculating noises*

Her average velocity would be approximately 7.11 meters per second (m/s). So, it seems she's quite the speedy runner!

To calculate the average velocity, we need to find the total displacement and divide it by the total time. The total displacement in this case would be the total distance covered by the runner, which is four times the length of the track.

Lap 1 time = 60 seconds
Lap 2 time = 57 seconds
Lap 3 time = 55 seconds
Lap 4 time = 53 seconds

Since the runner completes a full lap each time, the distance for each lap is 400 meters.

Total distance covered = 400 meters x 4 laps = 1600 meters

Now, let's find the total time taken:
Total time = 60 seconds + 57 seconds + 55 seconds + 53 seconds
= 225 seconds

Finally, we can calculate the average velocity:
Average velocity = Total distance / Total time
= 1600 meters / 225 seconds

Calculating this gives us:
Average velocity ≈ 7.11 m/s

Therefore, the runner's average velocity is approximately 7.11 m/s.

To calculate the average velocity, we need to find the total distance covered and the total time taken.

First, let's determine the total distance covered by the runner. Since the runner completes four laps, and each lap is 400 meters, the total distance covered is:

Total distance = 4 laps × 400 meters/lap = 1600 meters

Next, we need to find the total time taken by the runner. To do this, we add up the individual lap times:

Total time = 60 seconds + 57 seconds + 55 seconds + 53 seconds = 225 seconds

Now, we can calculate the average velocity by dividing the total distance by the total time:

Average velocity = Total distance / Total time

Average velocity = 1600 meters / 225 seconds

Calculating this division, we find that the runner's average velocity is approximately 7.11 meters per second (m/s).

Divide 1600 meters (the total 4 lap distance run) by the total number of seconds.

The total time is 60 + 57 + 55 + 53 = ___ seconds