If 1500 blood cells were lined up, they would make a row 1.0 inch long. What is the average diameter of the blood cells in micrometer(If l inch = 2.54cm)?.

(1500/1") = (1/?")

Solve for ?". Is that about 6.67E-4 inches.
Convert inches to cm, then to micrometers.

To find the average diameter of the blood cells in micrometers, we need to use the given information that 1500 blood cells line up to form a 1.0 inch long row. Additionally, we're given that 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

First, let's convert the length of the row from inches to centimeters. Since 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters, we can multiply the length in inches (1.0 inch) by 2.54 to get the length in centimeters.

1.0 inch * 2.54 cm/inch = 2.54 cm

Next, we know that the row of blood cells is made up of 1500 blood cells. We can assume that each blood cell is in contact with the adjacent cells, meaning the total width of the row is equal to the sum of the diameters of the 1500 blood cells.

Now, to find the average diameter, we need to divide the total width of the row (2.54 cm) by the number of blood cells (1500):

Average diameter = Total width / Number of blood cells
Average diameter = 2.54 cm / 1500

Let's calculate the average diameter:

Average diameter = 0.0016933 cm

Lastly, we can convert the diameter from centimeters to micrometers by multiplying by 10,000:

Average diameter in micrometers = 0.0016933 cm * 10,000
Average diameter in micrometers = 16.933 micrometers

Therefore, the average diameter of the blood cells is approximately 16.933 micrometers.