katie makes 70% of her shots from the free throw line . can you determine how many consecutive free throws she must make in order to increase her precent. explain

help i have to do this on a test soon and i don't get😭😭

oh also it's so increase your percent to 75%

You dumb

You dumb

To determine how many consecutive free throws Katie must make in order to increase her percentage, we need some additional information. Specifically, we need to know her current number of attempts and successful shots from the free throw line.

Let's assume that Katie has attempted 100 free throws and successfully made 70 of them (since she has a 70% success rate).

Now, let's calculate Katie's current percentage using the formula:

Percentage = (Successful Shots / Total Attempts) * 100

Katie's current percentage is (70 / 100) * 100 = 70%.

To find out how many consecutive free throws Katie must make to increase her percentage, we can use algebra. Let's represent the number of consecutive free throws she needs to make as "x".

So, her new successful shots would be 70 (her current successful shots) + x (consecutive successful shots) and her new total attempts would be 100 (her current attempts) + x (consecutive attempts).

Now, we can set up the equation to find the new percentage:

(New Successful Shots / New Total Attempts) * 100 = (70 + x) / (100 + x) * 100

To increase her percentage, the new percentage must be greater than 70%. So, we'll set up the inequality:

(70 + x) / (100 + x) * 100 > 70

Next, we'll solve this inequality to find the range of values for "x" - the number of consecutive free throws Katie must make to increase her percentage.

Simplifying the inequality:

(70 + x) / (100 + x) * 100 > 70
(70 + x) * 100 > 70 * (100 + x)
7000 + 100x > 7000 + 70x
30x > 0
x > 0

From the inequality, we can conclude that Katie must make more than 0 consecutive free throws to increase her percentage.

i do not know