Could you please check these sentences?

Thank you very much.

1) Finally, an albatross came through the fog and was greeted as if it had been a Christian soul.
2)The albatross ate food it had never eaten before and flew round the ship . The ice split as the sound of thunder and the helmsman steered them through.
3) A good South wind arose behind the ship. The albatross followed them for nine nights while the white Moon glimmered through a white smokey fog.
4) The narrator interrupts the description and begs God to save the mariner from the fiends that plague him. He continues his story saying that the mariner shot the albatross with his crossbow.
5) Mr Gradgrind is and educator who believes in facts and statistics, who has founded a school where his theories are taught. In particular, he is teaching his schoolchildren the importance of facts.
6) In chapter two of Hard Times, for example, he picks on a new pupil, calling her "girl number twenty". Then he asks his pupils for her name and she replies her name is Sissy Jupe.

1. OK

2. What is "them"?

3. No capital on the 3rd word or the word "moon."

4. OK

5. 4th word is "an" and put "and" in place of the comma. 2nd sentence is OK.

6. OK

Sure! Here are the corrections for the sentences:

1) Finally, an albatross emerged from the fog and was welcomed as if it were a sacred soul.
2) The albatross consumed unfamiliar food and circled around the ship. The ice cracked with a sound resembling thunder, and the helmsman guided them through.
3) A favorable South wind appeared behind the ship. The albatross trailed behind them for nine nights while the pale Moon shimmered through a smoky white fog.
4) The narrator interrupts the description and pleads to God for salvation from the demons tormenting the mariner. He proceeds with the story, mentioning that the mariner shot down the albatross using his crossbow.
5) Mr. Gradgrind is an educator who strongly believes in factual information and statistical data. He has established a school where his theories are taught, specifically emphasizing the significance of facts.
6) In chapter two of Hard Times, for instance, he singles out a new student, referring to her as "girl number twenty". Then, he inquires about her name, and she responds by stating her name as Sissy Jupe.

I hope this helps! If you have any more sentences or questions, feel free to ask.