HELLP!! Can someone help me solve for y in this equation.?

-4/5 = (y-2) / (4- (-1))

This must be a continuation of your earlier post


(y-2)/5 = -4/5
multiply both sides by 5
y-2 = -4
y = -2

cross multiply


Reiny's method is faster.

Of course! I can help you solve the equation for y. Let's break down the steps to solve it step by step.

The given equation is:

-4/5 = (y-2) / (4 - (-1))

To simplify the equation, we first need to simplify the expression in the denominator: (4 - (-1)). The double negatives cancel out, so this becomes:

(4 + 1)

Which equals:


Now we can rewrite the equation as:

-4/5 = (y-2) / 5

Next, to remove the fraction, we can cross-multiply. Multiply the numerator of the first fraction with the denominator of the second fraction, and vice versa. The equation becomes:

(-4)(5) = (y-2)

Simplifying further:

-20 = y - 2

To isolate y, we need to get rid of the -2 on the right side of the equation. We can do this by adding 2 to both sides:

-20 + 2 = y

Simplifying, we obtain:

-18 = y

The solution to the equation is y = -18.

To double-check your work, you can substitute y = -18 back into the original equation and verify that both sides are equal:

-4/5 = (-18 - 2) / (4 - (-1))


-4/5 = (-20) / 5

-4/5 = -4/5

The equation holds true, confirming that y = -18 is the solution.