Out of 42 kids in a class twice as many failed Ela as math,4 failed both. If 7 failed neither, find how many failed each subject.

Please help and show work it would be great thanks i really need help thanks

Number failed math is M

number failed ELA is E

42-E-M+4=7 Think on that first.


To solve this problem, we can use a method called Venn diagrams. Let's break down the information provided:

- Let's assume the number of students who failed in math is M.
- Since twice as many students failed in ELA as in math, the number of students who failed in ELA is 2M.
- The number of students who failed in both subjects is 4.
- The number of students who failed in neither subject is 7.

Now, let's draw a Venn diagram to represent this situation:

M 2M
| | |
| | |
| Math | ELA |
| | |
| | |

We know that the total number of students is 42, so the sum of all the sections in the Venn diagram must equal 42.

Next, we'll fill in the information we have:

- The number of students who failed in math (M) is unknown.
- The number of students who failed in ELA is twice as many as those who failed in math (2M).
- The number of students who failed in both subjects is 4.
- The number of students who failed in neither subject is 7.

Based on this information, we can create the following equations:

M + 2M + 4 + 7 = 42

Combining like terms, we have:

3M + 11 = 42

Subtracting 11 from both sides:

3M = 42 - 11

3M = 31

Now, divide both sides by 3:

M = 31 / 3

M ≈ 10.33

Since we can't have a fraction of a student, we'll round down to the nearest whole number:

M = 10

Now that we have the value for M, we can find the number of students who failed in math (M), the number of students who failed in ELA (2M), and the number of students who failed in both subjects (4):

Number of students who failed in math(M) = 10
Number of students who failed in ELA = 2M = 2 * 10 = 20
Number of students who failed in both subjects = 4

So, there are 10 students who failed in math, 20 students who failed in ELA, and 4 students who failed in both subjects.