Out of 42 kids in a class twice as many failed Ela as math,4 failed both. If 7 failed neither, find how many failed each subject.

Please help and show work it would be great thanks i really need help thanks



To find out how many students failed each subject, we can work step by step using the information given.

Let's break down the information given:
- There are 42 kids in the class.
- Twice as many kids failed ELA as math.
- 4 students failed both ELA and math.
- 7 students failed neither subject.

Step 1: Find the number of students who failed ELA.
Since twice as many students failed ELA as math, we can set up the equation 2x = y, where x represents the number of students who failed math, and y represents the number of students who failed ELA.
We know that 4 students failed both, so we subtract these students from the total number of students who failed ELA: y - 4.
Therefore, the equation becomes 2x = y - 4.

Step 2: Find the number of students who failed math.
We know that there are x students who failed math, and using the equation 2x = y, we can solve for x by substituting y - 4 in for y:
2x = (y - 4)
2x = 2x - 4 (since 2x = y)
2x - 2x = -4
0 = -4

Since the equation gives us an inconsistent result, there seems to be an issue with the information provided. It is not possible to determine the number of students who failed each subject based on the given information.