which of the following would be the best revision of these sentence ?

Our present receivables are in line with last year’s. However they exceed the budget.
The reason they exceed the budget is that our goal for receivable investment was very conservative.

If those are the sentences, where are your revisions?


Well all you have to do is reverse the sentence or passage then go try and pick out all your mistakes and then after I'll flip it over and you got it

One possible revision of the sentences could be:

"Our current receivables align with last year's figures, but they surpass the budget. The reason for this is that we set a very conservative target for receivable investments."

To arrive at this revision, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the main idea in each sentence: The first sentence states that the present receivables are similar to last year's, but they exceed the budget. The second sentence explains the reason for this, which is the conservative goal set for receivable investment.

2. Combine the main ideas: Merge both sentences into one by connecting the main ideas. Rephrase the sentences to make the meaning clearer.

Remember that there might be multiple ways to revise a sentence, and the best revision can depend on the context and the intended audience.