finals next weekk D:

ten less than three times the complement of an angle is it supplement.

find the measure of the supplement?

Write that as an equation. Let x be "the angle", so 180 -x will be the supplement.

The complement of x is 90-x

Your statement can be written:

3*(90 - x) -10 = 180 - x

Now solve that.
260 -3x = 180 - x
2x = 80
x = 40
So, what is the supplement of x?

supplement of x is 140?

To find the measure of the supplement of an angle, we first need to understand what a complement and a supplement are.

A complement of an angle is the angle that, when added to the given angle, equals 90 degrees. So, if we have an angle x, its complement is 90 - x degrees.

A supplement of an angle is the angle that, when added to the given angle, equals 180 degrees. So, if we have an angle x, its supplement is 180 - x degrees.

Now, let's solve the given problem step by step:

Let's assume the given angle is A.

Ten less than three times the complement of angle A can be expressed as:
3 * (90 - A) - 10

According to the problem, this expression equals the supplement of angle A, which is 180 - A.

Now we can set up an equation and solve for A:

3 * (90 - A) - 10 = 180 - A

First, distribute the 3:
270 - 3A - 10 = 180 - A

Combine like terms:
260 - 3A = 180 - A

Now, isolate the variables on one side:
-3A + A = 180 - 260
-2A = -80

Divide both sides by -2:
A = -80 / -2
A = 40

So, the measure of the given angle A is 40 degrees.

To find the measure of the supplement of angle A, we subtract 40 from 180:
Supplement of A = 180 - 40 = 140 degrees.

Therefore, the measure of the supplement of the angle is 140 degrees.