What daughter isotopes are produced when a neutron combines with a nucleus of 235/92 U? Assume that three neutrons are also produced in the reaction.

A. 140/56 Ba, 95/36 Kr
B. 142/56 Ba, 93/36 Kr
C. 140/56 Ba, 93/36 Kr
D. 141/56 Ba, 94/36 Kr

Please help. Thanks.

To determine the daughter isotopes produced when a neutron combines with a nucleus of 235/92 U, we need to use nuclear equations.

The equation would be: 1n + 235/92 U -> x + y + z

We are given that three neutrons are also produced in the reaction. This means that the sum of the atomic numbers (protons) on the right side of the equation should be equal to the atomic number (protons) on the left side of the equation.

The atomic number of uranium (U) is 92, so on the right side of the equation, the sum of the atomic numbers should still be 92.

Therefore, we can eliminate answers A and B since the sum of the atomic numbers on the right side is not equal to 92.

Next, we need to determine the mass numbers of the daughter isotopes. To do that, we calculate the difference between the mass number of the U nucleus (235) and the sum of the mass numbers on the right side of the equation.

For answer C, the mass numbers of 140/56 Ba and 93/36 Kr add up to 140 + 93 = 233, which is the closest to 235. Therefore, answer C is the most likely correct choice.

However, to be certain, we can check answer D. The mass numbers of 141/56 Ba and 94/36 Kr add up to 141 + 94 = 235, which is an exact match. Therefore, answer D is correct.

So, the correct answer is D. 141/56 Ba, 94/36 Kr.

To summarize the process:

1. Set up the nuclear equation: 1n + 235/92 U -> x + y + z
2. Determine the total sum of the atomic numbers on the right side (should equal 92).
3. Calculate the difference between the mass number of the U nucleus (235) and the sum of the mass numbers on the right side.
4. The answer that provides the closest or exact match in mass number is the correct choice.