What is the kinetic energy of a 28 kg dog that is running at a speed of 7.0 m\s(about 16mi\h)?

To calculate the kinetic energy of the dog, we can use the formula:

Kinetic energy (K.E.) = 0.5 * mass * velocity^2

First, let's convert the speed from miles per hour to meters per second:

1 mile = 1609.34 meters
1 hour = 3600 seconds

So, 7 miles per hour is equal to 7 * 1609.34 meters / 3600 seconds ≈ 3.11 meters per second.

Now we can plug the values into the equation:

K.E. = 0.5 * 28 kg * (3.11 m/s)^2

K.E. = 0.5 * 28 kg * 9.6721 m^2/s^2

K.E. ≈ 1338.73 joules

Therefore, the kinetic energy of the 28 kg dog running at a speed of 7.0 m/s is approximately 1338.73 joules.