

Where can me and my friend find cool facts isaid facts!!!! about mermaids please help asap Ms. Sue btw you did not help at all

Both of those sites contain facts. Mermaids are not real. Mermaids are found in fiction stories and in myths.

If you're looking for information about mermaids, there are a few places you can start your research:

1. Books: Visit your local library or bookstore and look for books on mythology, folklore, or fantasy that discuss mermaids. Many books provide detailed information about their origins, legends, and cultural significance.

2. Online Articles: Search on popular websites or online databases dedicated to mythology, folklore, or paranormal subjects. Websites like Mythology.net or Ancient Origins often have articles on mermaids, providing historical and cultural insights.

3. Online Forums and Communities: Join online forums or communities where enthusiasts or researchers discuss mermaid-related topics. Websites like Reddit have dedicated forums where you can find discussions, questions, and resources related to mermaids.

4. Documentaries and TV Shows: Check out documentaries or TV shows that explore mythology, cryptozoology, or marine folklore. Networks like National Geographic, History Channel, or Animal Planet often air programs that cover such topics, and they may have episodes on mermaids.

5. Museums or Exhibitions: Visit local museums that exhibit maritime history or folklore. Some museums have sections dedicated to mythical creatures like mermaids, providing historical artifacts and information.

Remember, it's important to critically analyze the sources you come across and consider different perspectives on the topic. While mermaids capture our imagination, their existence is considered mythical or legendary in most cultures.