At football practice, players do a 20-minute warm-up before starting their practice drills. After the practice drills, they do a 10-minute cool-down. The expression 20+d+10 describes the length of practice, where d is the number of minutes the practice drills last. How long, in minutes, does practice last if 30 minutes are spent on practice drills.

20+d+10 where d=30, 20+30+10=60minutes or 1 hour

To find the total length of practice, we start with the given information that players spend 30 minutes on practice drills.

The warm-up before the practice drills lasts for 20 minutes, and the cool-down after the practice drills lasts for 10 minutes.

So, we can calculate the total length of practice by adding the warm-up, the practice drills, and the cool-down.

Let's substitute the value of d (which is 30 minutes, as given) into the expression 20+d+10:

20 + 30 + 10

Adding these numbers together gives us:


Therefore, the total length of practice is 60 minutes.