Can you please identify the adverbs and adjectives in the following paragraph.

Having credit cards could get some people into serious debt. I had a credit card at one time. I learned the hard way about using credit cards. I was using it for anything and everything that I wanted. I ran my credit card to the maximum credit limit and was then having a terribly time trying to make the monthly payments. I then decided that once I got it payed off that I would only use it for emergencies.

Yes, I can, but I think the assignment is for YOU to identify the adjectives and adverbs, right?

Adjectives describe nouns; one example is "credit" which is modifying "cards."

Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs; one example is "then."

Yes, I can identify them.

But the assignment is for YOU to identify them.

Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. The tell which, what kind of, and how many.

In the first sentence, the adjectives are some and serious.

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They tell when, where, why, and to what extent.

I only see three adverbs in this paragraph. The first one is then.

We'll be glad to check your answers.

Sure! Here's how you can identify the adverbs and adjectives in the paragraph:

Adjectives modify or describe nouns or pronouns. They usually answer the questions "what kind?" or "which one?". Adverbs modify or describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They usually answer the questions "how?", "when?", "where?", "to what extent?", or "why?".

1. Adverbs:
- seriously: modifies the verb "get" in the phrase "get some people into serious debt"
- hard: modifies the verb "learned" in the phrase "I learned the hard way"
- terribly: modifies the verb "having" in the phrase "was then having a terribly time"
- monthly: modifies the noun "payments" in the phrase "make the monthly payments"
- then: used as an adverb of time in the phrase "I then decided"

2. Adjectives:
- serious: modifies the noun "debt" in the phrase "get some people into serious debt"
- maximum: modifies the noun "credit limit" in the phrase "ran my credit card to the maximum credit limit"
- monthly: modifies the noun "payments" in the phrase "make the monthly payments"

Please note that identifying adjectives and adverbs may be subjective at times, and there may be different interpretations based on context.