In what year did city-states become common in greece

They started in the 8th century B.C.

To determine the year in which city-states became common in Greece, we can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept of city-states: City-states were independent political units consisting of a city and its surrounding territories. They were self-governing and had their own laws, government systems, and sometimes rivalries with other city-states.

2. Study historical records: To identify when city-states became common in Greece, we need to consult historical sources such as archaeological findings, ancient texts, and scholarly research.

3. Analyze the Archaic period: City-states began to emerge in ancient Greece during what is known as the Archaic period. This period lasted from around the 8th century BCE (Before Common Era) to the 5th century BCE.

4. Consider significant developments: The rise of city-states in Greece was influenced by various factors such as social, economic, and political changes. Key developments during this period include the transition from a tribal society to a more complex urban society, advancements in farming and trade, and the emergence of more organized forms of governance.

5. Look for evidence of city-state formation: Through the study of ancient Greek city-states like Athens, Sparta, Corinth, and Thebes, we can gather evidence of the development and expansion of these city-states. This evidence includes archaeological remains, inscriptions, and accounts from ancient historians.

By examining these sources and considering the historical context, it becomes evident that city-states began to emerge and become more prevalent in Greece during the Archaic period, roughly around the 8th century BCE. However, it is important to note that the process of city-state formation and consolidation varied across different regions of Greece, so it is challenging to pinpoint a specific year for the widespread establishment of city-states.