log(4x+10)=3 simplify?

Assuming log() is to the base 10, then

raise to power of 10 on both sides:
4x+10 = 1000
x = 990/4

To simplify the logarithmic expression log(4x+10) = 3, we need to remove the logarithm and solve for x.

First, we can rewrite the equation using exponential notation. The logarithmic equation log(base b)(x) = y is equivalent to b^y = x. Applying this, we have:

10^(log(4x+10)) = 10^3

Next, we can simplify the equation to:

4x + 10 = 1000

Now, we can solve for x by isolating the variable:

4x = 990

Dividing both sides of the equation by 4:

x = 990/4

x = 247.5

Therefore, the simplified solution to the equation log(4x+10) = 3 is x = 247.5.

To simplify the equation log(4x+10) = 3, we need to first eliminate the logarithm. We can do this by applying exponentiation to both sides of the equation.

Exponentiating both sides with base 10, we get:

10^(log(4x+10)) = 10^3

Now, according to the logarithmic identity, 10^(log(x)) = x, we can simplify the left side of the equation:

4x+10 = 1000

Finally, we can isolate x:

4x = 1000 - 10

4x = 990

Dividing both sides by 4, we get:

x = 990/4

x = 247.5

Therefore, the simplified solution to the equation log(4x+10) = 3 is x = 247.5.