A right cylinder has a radius of 2 feet and a height of 5 feet. Find the surface area of the cylinder.

What formula should I be using ? My answer should be 28pi ft^2

I didn't get this using 2pi.h + 2pir^2

I got it- I was actually doing the pi

I figured separately
2.5=20pi & pi(2.4)=8
20+8 = 28pit^2

To find the surface area of a cylinder, you need to use the correct formula. The formula you mentioned, 2πh + 2πr^2, is actually the formula for finding the lateral surface area of a cylinder, not the total surface area.

The correct formula for finding the total surface area of a cylinder is: 2πr(r + h), where r is the radius and h is the height of the cylinder.

Let's use this formula to find the surface area of the given cylinder:

Step 1: Plug in the values
- Radius (r) = 2 feet
- Height (h) = 5 feet

Step 2: Calculate
Surface Area = 2π(2)(2 + 5)
Surface Area = 2π(2)(7)
Surface Area = 28π square feet

So, using the correct formula, the surface area of the cylinder is indeed 28π square feet.

To find the surface area of a right cylinder, you need to use the correct formula. The formula you mentioned, 2πh + 2πr^2, is not correct for calculating the surface area of a cylinder.

The correct formula for the surface area of a right cylinder is 2πrh + 2πr^2, where r is the radius of the base and h is the height of the cylinder.

Let's use this formula to find the surface area of the given right cylinder.

Given that the radius (r) is 2 feet and the height (h) is 5 feet, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Surface Area = 2πrh + 2πr^2
= 2π(2)(5) + 2π(2)^2
= 20π + 8π
= 28π ft^2

So, the correct surface area of the cylinder is indeed 28π square feet.