1. Est-ce qu'il y a une grande glace dans ta chambre?

Oui, il y a une grande glace dans ma chambre.

2. Qui achète tes affaires de toilette?

Mon père achète mes affaires de toilette.

3. Est-ce que c'est la course le matin chez toi?

Oui, c'est la course le matin chez moi.

4. À quelle heure est-ce que tu pars le matin?

Je pars àhuit heures le matin.

5. Est-ce que tu as une voiture?

Non. je n'ai pas une voiture.

6. Avec qui est-ce que tu sympathises bien?

Je sympathises bien avec mes amis.

7. Selon toi, à quel âge peut-on avoir son premier appartement?

Selon moi, on peut avoir son premier appartement à l'âge de 18 ans.

4. Just separate "à huit"

5. OR: Non, je n'ai pas de voiture. (I have no car rather than I don't have a car.)

6. Be sure you have the correct ending for "je" = Je sympathise bien

Otherwise, very well done!

Sra (aka Mme)

To answer these questions, I will explain the reasoning behind each answer.

1. Est-ce qu'il y a une grande glace dans ta chambre? (Is there a big mirror in your room?)

To answer this question, you need to look at whether or not you have a big mirror in your room. If you do have a big mirror, the answer would be "Oui" (Yes). If you don't have a big mirror, the answer would be "Non" (No).

2. Qui achète tes affaires de toilette? (Who buys your toiletries?)

To answer this question, you need to identify who buys your toiletries. In this case, the answer is "Mon père" (My father).

3. Est-ce que c'est la course le matin chez toi? (Is it a rush in the morning at your place?)

To answer this question, you need to evaluate whether or not your mornings are rushed. If they are rushed, the answer would be "Oui" (Yes). If they are not rushed, the answer would be "Non" (No).

4. À quelle heure est-ce que tu pars le matin? (What time do you leave in the morning?)

To answer this question, you need to state the time you usually leave in the morning. In this case, the answer is "Je pars à huit heures le matin" (I leave at eight o'clock in the morning).

5. Est-ce que tu as une voiture? (Do you have a car?)

To answer this question, you need to state whether or not you have a car. In this case, the answer is "Non" (No).

6. Avec qui est-ce que tu sympathises bien? (Who do you get along well with?)

To answer this question, you need to mention who you get along well with. In this case, the answer is "Je sympathise bien avec mes amis" (I get along well with my friends).

7. Selon toi, à quel âge peut-on avoir son premier appartement? (According to you, at what age can someone have their first apartment?)

To answer this question, you need to give your opinion on what age someone can have their first apartment. In this case, the answer is "Selon moi, on peut avoir son premier appartement à l'âge de 18 ans" (According to me, one can have their first apartment at the age of 18).