what's the difference between genetic engineering and gene splicing?

Genetic engineering and gene splicing are both techniques used in biotechnology, specifically in the field of genetic manipulation. While they share similarities, there are differences between the two.

1. Genetic Engineering:
Genetic engineering involves the manipulation of an organism's genetic material, typically its DNA. This process can be used to modify or introduce new traits into an organism. Genetic engineers can achieve this by adding, removing, or modifying specific genes within an organism's genome.

To perform genetic engineering, scientists follow a few general steps:
a. Isolate the gene of interest: The gene that codes for the desired trait is identified and isolated from the DNA of an organism.
b. Insertion of the gene: The isolated gene is inserted into the DNA of the target organism using various techniques, such as using plasmids or gene guns.
c. Expression of the gene: The inserted gene is then expressed by the target organism, leading to the production of a new protein or the desired trait.

2. Gene Splicing:
Gene splicing, also known as recombinant DNA technology or molecular cloning, is a specific technique used in genetic engineering. It involves the cutting and recombining of DNA from different sources to create new combinations of genes.

The process of gene splicing usually involves these steps:
a. Isolation of DNA: The DNA containing the target gene is isolated from its source organism.
b. Cutting the DNA: Specific enzymes called restriction enzymes are used to cut the DNA at precise locations, creating fragments of DNA.
c. Combining DNA fragments: The desired gene fragment is inserted into a vector (often a plasmid), which can be a circular DNA molecule. The vector acts as a carrier to transfer the gene into another organism.
d. Insertion and expression: The recombinant vector is introduced into another organism, such as bacteria or yeast, where it replicates and expresses the added gene.

In summary, genetic engineering refers to the broader field of manipulating an organism's genetic material, while gene splicing is a specific technique within genetic engineering that involves the cutting and recombining of DNA fragments. Gene splicing is a commonly used method in genetic engineering to transfer desired genes into target organisms.