A train travels 40 km/hr for 0.2 hr, 50km/hr for next 0.2hr and 60km/hr for next 0.4 hr.calculate the average speed of train

Add up the total distance travelled and divide that by the total time, 0.8 hours.

To calculate the average speed of the train, we need to use the formula:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

First, let's calculate the total distance traveled by the train:

Distance at 40 km/hr = Speed * Time
Distance at 40 km/hr = 40 km/hr * 0.2 hr = 8 km

Distance at 50 km/hr = Speed * Time
Distance at 50 km/hr = 50 km/hr * 0.2 hr = 10 km

Distance at 60 km/hr = Speed * Time
Distance at 60 km/hr = 60 km/hr * 0.4 hr = 24 km

Total Distance = Distance at 40 km/hr + Distance at 50 km/hr + Distance at 60 km/hr
Total Distance = 8 km + 10 km + 24 km = 42 km

Next, let's calculate the total time taken by the train:

Total Time = Time at 40 km/hr + Time at 50 km/hr + Time at 60 km/hr
Total Time = 0.2 hr + 0.2 hr + 0.4 hr = 0.8 hr

Now, we can calculate the average speed:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time
Average Speed = 42 km / 0.8 hr = 52.5 km/hr

Therefore, the average speed of the train is 52.5 km/hr.