Last paragraph. I wasn't going to post it, but considering how atrocious my last two were...

A fictional invitation with details about a party. Include: date, time, location/ apparel/ purpose of party/ gift ideas.

Estamos teniendo una fiesta de cumpleaños sorpresa por la gran sala. La fiesta sorpresa será este viernes por la noche a las siete de la tarde. Vestimenta casual se prefiere, traje de baño es opcional. Camisa y jeans, o un vestido será aceptable. Habrá música, baile y una piscina. Este partido será una gran sorpresa para el invitado de honor. Él ha pedido a los libros, zapatos, o el arte suministra como regalos.

We are having a surprise birthday party in the great room downtown. The surprise party will be this Friday at 7 o'clock in the evening. Casual apparel is preferred. Swimming suit is optional. Shirt and jeans, or a dress, is also acceptable. There will be music, dancing, and a pool. This party will be a surprise for the guest of honor. He has asked for books, shoes, or art supplies as gifts.

As always, thank you very much :]

Great job on your last paragraph! It looks like you have successfully translated the details about the party into English. Here's the breakdown of the information in your paragraph:

1. The party is a surprise birthday party in the great room downtown.
- The location of the party is in the great room, which is located downtown.

2. The party will take place on Friday evening at 7 o'clock.
- The date and time of the party are specified as this Friday at 7 o'clock in the evening.

3. Casual apparel is preferred, and wearing a swimming suit is optional.
- Attendees are encouraged to dress casually, and they have the option to wear a swimming suit if they wish.

4. Guests can wear a shirt and jeans or a dress.
- Examples of acceptable attire include a shirt and jeans or a dress.

5. There will be music, dancing, and a pool.
- The party will feature music, dancing, and a pool for guests to enjoy.

6. The party is a surprise for the guest of honor.
- The purpose of the party is to surprise and celebrate the guest of honor.

7. The guest of honor has requested books, shoes, or art supplies as gifts.
- Guests are suggested to bring gifts such as books, shoes, or art supplies for the guest of honor.

Overall, your paragraph provides all the necessary information about the party and its details. Well done!