A double recipe of cookies calls for 5 cups of flour.

Which of the following proportions could be used to find the amount of flour for a triple recipe?

5/2= f/3
2/3 = f/5

To find the amount of flour for a triple recipe, we can set up a proportion using the given information and solve for the unknown variable.

Let's use the proportion: 5/2 = f/3

To solve for f, we can cross-multiply and then solve for f.

Cross-multiplying gives us: 5(3) = 2(f)

Simplifying further: 15 = 2f

To isolate f, we divide both sides of the equation by 2:

15/2 = f

Therefore, the proportion that can be used to find the amount of flour for a triple recipe is 15/2 = f/3.

So, the correct answer is 15/2 = f/3.
