Tracy ties a ball to a string and starts to swing the ball around her head what forces are acting on the ball what happens if the string breaks

the forces are potenntial and connectic

you misspelled potential and kinetic

this really helps me

When Tracy swings a ball around her head, there are two primary forces acting on the ball: tension and gravity.

1. Tension Force: The tension force is exerted by the string on the ball. It acts towards the center of the circle that the ball follows during its circular motion. This force provides the necessary centripetal force to keep the ball moving in a circular path.

2. Gravity Force: The force of gravity pulls the ball downward towards the Earth. It acts vertically, always directed towards the center of the Earth. Gravity is a constant force acting on the ball, regardless of its motion.

If the string breaks while Tracy is swinging the ball around her head, the ball will continue moving tangentially in a straight line according to Newton's First Law, also known as the law of inertia.

Without the tension force from the string, there is no longer a centripetal force to keep the ball moving in a circular path. As a result, the ball will move in a straight line, tangential to the circle it was previously following.

Additionally, the downward force of gravity will continue to act on the ball. This force will cause the ball to immediately begin falling towards the ground once the string breaks.

It's important to note that the direction and behavior of the ball after the string breaks will depend on factors like the initial speed and angle at which the ball was being swung.