make an input-output table for the equation y= -x-2 using the domain 0,1,2 and 3. Tell whether the table represnts a function.

How do you do this?

To create an input-output table for the equation y = -x - 2 using the given domain, we need to substitute the values from the domain into the equation for x and determine the corresponding values for y.

Given domain: 0, 1, 2, 3

For x = 0:
y = -(0) - 2 = -2
So, the first row of the table will be (0, -2).

For x = 1:
y = -(1) - 2 = -3
The second row of the table will be (1, -3).

For x = 2:
y = -(2) - 2 = -4
The third row of the table will be (2, -4).

For x = 3:
y = -(3) - 2 = -5
The fourth row of the table will be (3, -5).

The completed input-output table will be as follows:

x | y
0 | -2
1 | -3
2 | -4
3 | -5

Now, to determine whether this table represents a function, we need to check if there are any repeat values in the x-column. In this case, each x-value (0, 1, 2, and 3) has a unique y-value (-2, -3, -4, and -5). Therefore, the table does represent a function, as each input (x-value) gives a unique output (y-value).