what is conduction

the transfer of heat between two parts of a stationary system, caused by a temperature difference between the parts.

I think transporting electricity. Not sure.

Conduction is a process of heat transfer that occurs between objects or substances that are in direct contact with each other. In this process, heat flows through a solid or between touching solids. It happens due to the collision of particles within the material, transferring thermal energy from higher temperature regions to lower temperature regions. Good conductors of heat, like metals, allow heat to flow easily, while poor conductors, like gases or non-metals, impede the heat transfer.

Conduction is a process of heat transfer where heat is transmitted through direct contact between particles of a substance. It occurs when there is a temperature difference between two objects in contact, and the heat energy flows from the object with higher temperature to the object with lower temperature.

To understand conduction better, imagine a metal spoon left in a hot cup of coffee. The heat from the coffee is transferred to the metal spoon through conduction. The particles in the spoon closest to the coffee gain energy and start vibrating faster. These vibrating particles collide with neighboring particles, transferring their energy. This process continues throughout the spoon, allowing heat to travel from the hot coffee to the cooler part of the spoon.

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