What is the subject of the following sentence? Please help me figure this out! a. Please b. help c. me d. You (implied)

Sorry, but I do not see the "following sentence" so please tpe it out.


Is this your sentence?

Please help me figure this out!

The verb is "help" -- so who is expected to do the helping?

help? (that doesn't make sense, does it?)
me? ("me" would help me out? nah!)
You (implied)

Which one will you choose?

To determine the subject of a sentence, you need to identify who or what the sentence is about. In this case, the sentence is "Please help me figure this out!" The subject is the entity that is performing the action in the sentence.

In this sentence, the subject is not explicitly stated, but it is implied to be "You." The person who is being asked for help is assumed to be the subject. "Please" is an adverb expressing politeness, "help" is the verb indicating the action being performed, and "me" is the object of the verb, indicating the recipient of the action.

So, in this sentence, the subject is "You" (implied).