If tanA = the square root of 11, find tan2A

tan 2A = 2tanA/(1 - tan^2 A)

= 2√11/(1 - 11) = =√11/5

To find the value of tan 2A, we can use the double-angle identity for tangent, which states that tan 2A = (2 * tan A) / (1 - tan² A).

Given that tan A = √11, we can substitute this value into the double-angle identity:

tan 2A = (2 * √11) / (1 - (√11)²)

Now, let's simplify the expression:

First, simplify the denominator:
1 - (√11)² = 1 - 11 = -10

Now, simplify the numerator:
2 * √11 = 2√11

Finally, substitute the simplified values back into the expression:

tan 2A = (2 * √11) / (-10)

Therefore, the value of tan 2A is (2√11) / (-10), or more simply, -√11 / 5.